
The Denton Bach Society is proud to have offered the Greater Denton area over 40 years of the world's finest music. 

To present a concert we need instrumentalists and soloists who are specially trained in early music performance styles, a director, a performance hall, an excellent rehearsal accompanist, publicity, front of house personnel, insurance, and a staff to coordinate all of these functions and the huge amount of volunteer work done by choir members. Ticket revenues cover only a small portion of our production costs and we rely on your support to make up the difference. 

The Denton Bach Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization and your support is deductible to the extent allowed by the IRS.

Your contribution is tax deductible
☐ Sustaining ($1000 or more)
☐ Associate ($500-$999)
☐ Patron ($250-$499)
☐ Benefactor ($100-$249)
☐ Friend ($50-$99)
☐ Donor (less than $50)

Pay by credit card:

A "0.00" prompt may show. If so, just type in the amount - it will replace the "0.00"

Or pay by check:
Please make checks payable to: The Denton Bach Society and use this printable form.

Mail To:
624 W University Ave #306
Denton, TX 76201

For further information on membership, email

Many thanks to all who contributed to Denton Bach on NTX Giving Day!


All sponsors are recognized in each program as well as being listed as a donor.

Sponsor a…

  • Young Musician Prize - $500

  • Instrument  - $350

  • Section Leader - $1000

Sponsorship - Select One


Tickets for all concerts are available at the door of each venue.

Our Community Supporters