January 18, 2025
Dear Current or Former Denton Bach Society Patrons and/or Singers,
Some of you may already know that DBS founder, Rev. Dr. Charles Brown, passed away much too soon last summer. He was an inspiration to many of us, a best friend to students, friends, congregations, and colleagues. We remember him for his imaginative teaching, his keen, intuitive nature, his innovative ideas, his vast knowledge, and his creative, hopeful spirit. He was loved by many for his unassuming modesty.
A Memorial Concert is planned in Denton, February 22nd, Saturday, at 2 pm, St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Denton, TX, a church Charles Brown served as Director of Music and Organist while heading up the Organ Department at UNT.
Former students, colleagues, and friends are invited to express their tributes in word, song, or music. Among selections yet to be determined, the Bach Cantata BWV 158, Der Friede sei mit Dir (Peace May Be with You), will be presented under the direction of Susan Ferré, who also served as our music director before Hal Gibbons took over the artistic reign for 33 years. Other participating musicians will be David Grogan, bass-baritone, Ellen Lovelace, violin, Charles Lang, Baroque violoncello, Carl Ferré-Lang, contrabass, and former and present members of the Denton Bach Society. We hope you will be able to join us as singers, audience, or someone who wants to pay tribute to Charles in other ways on February 22! We plan on a brief warm-up rehearsal prior to the concert and a reception afterwards.
For those who would like to sing with us, please respond directly to hildegardfroehlich@my.unt.edu or text her at 940-453-9681, indicating in what capacity you want to participate.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Hildegard Froehlich Rainbow
DBS Co-founder and former colleague of Charles Brown, still a current DBS singer